Rebel Skins Racing Syndicate


Rebel Skins Racing Syndicate

Jan 10 2009 Cheltenham St. Clair Hep 1000m

1st Teivovo, L Hopwood Jockey, R Jolly Trainer

From a Postcrossing pal in Australia


Asian Black Bear

Amelia Bauer

Selenarctos thibetanus


The magnificent Asian Black Bear from a Postcrossing pal

Henny Penny by Gwenny Quilt


Henny Penny by Gwenny

30′”x 44″ – 2001

Designed and made by Gwen Marston

Fun quilt from a Postcrossing pal!!


Poznan Goats


Poznan Goats – Poland

These goats are on the Poznan Town Hall.  They emerge each day at noon and butt heads.

From Wikipedia :

Today the mechanical goats’ butting display is performed daily at noon, preceded by the striking of the clock and the playing of a traditional bugle call(hejnal). At other hours between 7 am and 9 pm the same call is played on a carillon, installed in the tower in 2003. The daily appearance of the goats is one of Poznań’s best-known tourist attractions.

A legend behind the original addition of the goats to the clock mechanism states that a cook, while preparing a banquet for the voivode and other dignitaries, had burnt a roast deer, and attempted to replace it by stealing two goats from a nearby meadow. The goats escaped and ran up the town hall tower, where they attracted the attention of the townspeople when they began to butt each other (according to some versions, this drew attention to a fire which might otherwise have done significant damage). Because of the entertainment provided, the voivode pardoned both the cook and the goats, and ordered that two mechanical goats be incorporated into the new clock being made for the building.

Another legend is associated with the hejnał. This says that Bolko, son of the tower’s trumpter, once took care of a crow whose wing had been shot through. The boy was then awoken at night by a gnome wearing a crown and purple cape, who thanked the boy for his kindness and handed him a small gold trumpet, telling him to blow it when in danger. After these words the gnome transformed into a crow and flew away. Years later, after Bolko had taken his father’s place as trumpeter, when an attacking army was scaling Poznań’s walls, Bolko remembered the present, ran to the top of the tower and began to play the trumpet. Dark clouds began to gather on the horizon, which turned out to be an enormous flock of crows that fell upon the attacking army and forced it to retreat. The trumpet was lost when Bolko dropped it in his astonishment, but the call which he played is still performed.

This magnificent card comes from a Postcrossing pal in Poland

Sheep Shearing, Saint MacDara’s Island, Ireland

Sheep Shearing – Ireland

Saint MacDara’s Island, Connemara

From a Postcrossing pal in Ireland

Golden Eagle


Golden Eagle

At the Kaliningrad Zoo

A magnificent eagle from a Postcrossing Pal in Russia

Kliban’s Cats – 1-24


From Kliban’s Cats Volume 1

Klibans Cats – 1-4


From Kliban’s Cats Volume 1


Kliban’s Cats – 1-3


From Kliban’s Cats Volume 1


Kilban’s Cats – 1-2


From Kliban’s Cats Volume 1

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